


Screenshot of retro version of the home page

About a year ago I stumbled across Neocities, a revival of Geocities. Instantly I had this dumb idea that I wanted to replicate my entire website and mirror it on Neocities only I wanted to build it in pure HTML/CSS back like the old days. I wanted it to look like an old website that might have been created back in the glory days.

I sat on the idea for about year because well a few reasons...

  • It's dumb.
  • I'm very busy with real work.
  • It's dumb.

But for whatever reason the idea just wouldn't go away. So tonight I decided to just do it! I did scale back my grand plans. I have simply rebuilt the home page. I've pixelated the logos and used a 8-bit retro style font. All the links redirect you to the real website.

It's stupid, it took me a couple of hours. But it was fun and I love it! 😂

Check out my retro pagehere
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